Cabeça - iPhone e-commerce app UI Kit
Mauritius D'Silva
Cabeça Sketch UI Kit will help you to create an e-commerce mobile app for iPhone X.
Easily create an e-commerce app for your start-up using Cabeça Sketch UI Kit.
- Splash screen
- Onboarding screens (Two Options)
- Login/Signup/Forgot Password
- Home screen
- Search
- Product details
- Product listing
- Filter and Sort
- Wishlist
- Notifications
- Empty screens ()
- Checkout
- Payment
- Add address (With map view)
- Account menu
- Profile
- Edit profile
- Order history
- Add/Edit address
- Add/Edit payment
- Order tracking
- Payment success
& more...
Compatability : Sketch
Screen count : 45
Device: iPhone X
124 MB
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